By V. A. Watts
(c) 1993

Glossary & Language Notes

NOTE: This work is under a registered copyright and unauthorized distribution is prohibited and will be prosecuted. All characters are fictional and of my own invention. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Note on pronunciation: Proper Names and nouns within the language most commonly used on Aessa, Lliyassean, allow that each letter have its own sound. The first vowel in each word is long, the following vowels hold the short sound. Therefore, the name Thana is pronounced: T-HAYN-AH. Maygra is MAY-IH-G-RAH, Kieri is KI-ERR-IH, and Jael is JAY-EL. Diminutives such as Jai and Mag are pronounced as written, so Jai would be Ji (long "I") and Mag would be Mag with a short "a". The use of glottal stops is pervasive. Words ending in "I" are masculine gendered, "a" indicates feminine gender, "n" indicates plurals.

A'del'eva Literally: "By your oaths to Aessa" A war cry and a summons. (think au seccors)
asa Literally: Truth. an affirmative as in, "yes" or "is it not so?"
Graen pl. Mountains, (also Grae; Mountain)
hait "To Me" or "Here", imperative, a summons.
kira'sai f. sister, little sister, beloved sister, [familial]
kira f. little one, child (diminutive)
kiri m.little one, child (diminutive)
kiri'nai, little brother, beloved brother [familial]
Makyera f. First, as in a title.
Makyera Gen as in First Sword a title, overall commander ot the Watch (also: gen... sword, shield, defense)
Masyra-Maena f. title of rank for females, equivalent of Lord-Master, title for a member of the Elder Council (or Lady-Master)
n'gari large lizards, desert scavengers, about the size of a rhonocerous, but looking more like komodo dragons.
Shadrai Literally, Shadow Speaker.
shan'nai m.Wise man or brother, an affectionate term of respect. Used between equals.
shan'sai f.Wise woman or sister, an affectionate term of respect. Used between equals.
theris fruit bearing tree native to Elerak and the Eastern Plains, rather like a pulpy pomegranate
uralen pl. Ural; a large cliff dwelling bird, average wingspan is about 20 feet, scavengers mostly.
varin a breed of extremely stocky, sure-footed horses, powerful bodies but small heads. (pl. varinen)
vegen historically they were small leather-winged creatures, not unlike bats, but with elogated snouts and long flattened tails used as messengers for the gods. (pl. vegenen)
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